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10 – 14 June 2014 | Berlin | Germany
Universität der Künste Berlin, Masterstudiengang Sound Studies
in cooperation with Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikatio,
and Freie Universität Berlin
Thank you all for a great ems14 conference with a high level on input and discussions. We now ask you to send your paper in the provided template for publishing the proceedings.
“The EMS Network has been organised to fill an important gap in terms of electroacoustic music, namely focusing on the better understanding of the various manifestations of electroacoustic music. Areas related to the study of electroacoustic music range from the musicological to more interdisciplinary approaches, from studies concerning the impact of technology on musical creativity to the investigation of the ubiquitous nature of electroacoustic sounds today. The choice of the word, ‘network’ is of fundamental importance as one of our goals is to make relevant initiatives more widely available.” (http://www.ems-network.org)
Conference committees 
Conference Committee
Fabian Czolbe (Berlin)
Julia H. Schröder (FU Berlin)
Volker Straebel (TU Berlin)
Martin Supper (UdK Berlin)
Marc Battier (MINT-OMF, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France)
Leigh Landy (MTI, De Montfort University, UK)
Daniel Teruggi (INA/GRM, France)
Steering Committee
Marc Battier
Leigh Landy
Daniel Teruggi
Organizing Committee
Fabian Czolbe (Berlin)
Julia H. Schröder (FU Berlin)
Volker Straebel (TU Berlin)
Martin Supper (UdK Berlin)
Contact us
Conference location 
The EMS 14 conference is located in Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin University of the Arts)
Einsteinufer 43-53
10587 Berlin
Friday 13 June |
Session 18 – chair: Simon Atkinson
9:00 |
FrédéricDufeu / AlainBonardi | Analysing the Creative Process through a Modelling of Tools and Methods for Composition in Hans Tutschku’s Entwurzel |
9:30 |
PierreCouprie / Mikhail Malt | Representation: From Acoustics to Musical Analysis |
10:00 |
Bruno Bossis/ LaurentPottier | A Method For the Analysis of the Relation Between Symbolic Notation and Electroacoustic Textures In Hans Tutschku’s Entwurzelt |